Wednesday, October 29, 2014

And now for a little complaining...

Last Friday I went in to have arthroscopic surgery on my knee.
 Years of abuse had take it's toll to the point that one last strain caused it to wave the white flag.  But hey, who wouldn't want a gigantic knee?
 I knew there would be pain, but I also knew there would be time to re-cover, painkillers, and the help of my Hubby.  Along the way he has provided me with lots of yummy food and been "on-call" for me in the middle of the night.
 Too bad my appetite is not cooperating yet...  and that one only half glass of dark beer was ok'd mainly because he felt sorry for me - apparently wine and beer are not included in my post-op plan.
 Lots of laying in an anti-gravity lawn chair reading, listening to music, and staring into the bathroom, however, is included.  Also, lots of hobbling to the bathroom on crutches, trying to get the hang of them.  And, regretfully, peeking at the wounds, which I wish I could un-see...
 There's been a warm furry cat to lay on me, too...
..and Snapchatting The Girl while feeling very down in the dumps.  There's a lot I should be working on.  And so much I can't even sit up well enough to do.  And I feel pretty poopy about the whole deal, but I do get to follow up with my ortho doc on Thursday...

1 comment:

Simply LKJ said...

Gina, will continue to pray for healing. I hate sitting still, so I can so relate!! Praying for a good report from the doctor.